Tablet chat The best instant messaging apps

Tablet chat: the best instant messaging apps

Instant messaging apps are currently acclaimed because of their many features. Unlike SMS, these services are not limited to text messages. They also allow you to share cards, images, videos … In addition, these platforms align with the model of social networks.

You have access to a larger and diverse community.

Why use private messaging ?

Protection of privacy is a decisive criterion in the choice of an application of tablet chat or smartphone. Indeed, the threat does not necessarily imply hackers, spies or other malicious individuals. It comes from messaging platforms themselves.

These actors have too often experienced incidents leading to user data leaks.

On the other hand, certain services can use your personal information without your knowledge. This information is generally used for advertising and commercial purposes. In response to protests, they invoke membership of the general conditions of use when registering.

These speeches have also caused negative reactions from the public.

In this context, respect for privacy is crucial, especially on children’s messaging applications. You will thus be able to protect minors from the abusive use of their data and the linked untimely advertisements. Concretely, private messaging preserves you indiscretions, hacking and targeted announcements.

You also benefit from a certain privacy, even on social networks.

Choose Signal or Telegram

Today, many users hesitate between Signal and Telegram as an app for tablet chat. These two services are defined by their great respect for personal data and privacy. They are therefore privileged by people concerned with their privacy and their confidential information.

Beyond this characteristic, each platform has remarkable assets.

Since 2014, Signal has been distinguished by end -to -end encryption of text messages, video and vocals of its members. You benefit from a high level of protection on the network. The service, however, abandoned the encryption of SMS and MMS in 2015.

In addition to privacy, this open source application actively protects freedom of expression. The messaging service is therefore secure and transparent.

For its part, Telegram offers by default encryption when sending. Your messages will be encrypted until they leave the servers on the site. This service also authorizes multiplatform synchronization. However, you also have an end -to -end encryption option called Secret Cats.

However, it will be necessary to activate it manually. Finally, Telegram is illustrated by its conversation groups supporting up to 200,000 participants and its videoconferences at 1,000 members.

The most popular apps: WhatsApp and Messenger

WhatsApp and Messenger are essential among all the services of tablet chat. These two applications are however properties of the Meta group. They are thus avoided by users distrusting themselves with Facebook’s privacy policy.

Despite everything, WhatsApp exceeded 2 billion active users in 2020, against 1.3 billion to Messenger. The first service offers in particular:

  • Private messages;
  • Group discussions supporting up to 256 participants;
  • Diffusion lists;
  • Shares of photos, videos and links;
  • Voice and video calls supporting up to 8 users;
  • An encryption of end -to -end conversations;
  • An option to cancel the sending of recent messages.

Messenger, for his part, is able to bring together up to 50 contacts on a single video call. The app also makes it possible to manage SMS, to launch surveys, to transfer files, to share its location … On the other hand, encryption is only efficient after its manual activation at the level of the two participants.

Clocks for children: accompany them in their first steps on the apps

Messaging services are now part of the daily life of young and old around the world. In addition, the democratization of these tools accelerated with the 2020 health crisis. Confainment notably prompted some teachers to turn to platforms as discord to explain the courses.

Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself from an early age with the different communication channels available. Caregivers for children allow toddlers to use this type of tool. They also help to assimilate the values and challenges of social networks (security, confidentiality, image rights, respect, etc.)).

Thanks to dedicated applications, parents can monitor their children during this apprenticeship. They will thus be able to protect the youngest from inappropriate content and malicious individuals. This support also facilitates the responsibility of new generations of connected user.