Instruments for particle sizing and characterization
Particulate systems exhibit a certain level of complexity in their structuring. Qu’they are in a sample or on raw material, in a liquid state or in a solid state, the control of their characteristics allows then to exploit them in the right way. To calibrate and characterize particles, various scientific methods have been developed. These are based on state-of-the-art technology, which is enhanced by the use of the latest technology’year after year.
Here is the’Essential to know about the instruments and techniques of calibration and characterization of particles.
Instrument’particle size analysis by ²laser diffraction
L’instrument’Laser diffraction analysis is one of the most widely used particle sizing instruments. And for good reason, it offers a wide range on which laser diffraction is used to determine the size of particles’get measurements.
Laser diffraction, a popular particle measurement technique
Laser diffraction can measure particles of submicron size, but also millimeter size particles. This method of particle measurement guarantees more accurate measurement operations than those made possible by the’sieve analysis and’other traditional methods. It has become the standard in many industries (cement industry, oil industry, etc.).). You can learn more about laser diffraction grit by visiting sites that specialize in’scientific equipment.
Among other things, you will learn about the calibration principles of laser diffraction particle sizing.
Granulometry by laser diffraction: how it works ?
To measure the size of particles, the technique of laser diffraction is adapted to the characterization of nanoparticles’It relies on the variations of the particle size’angle observed in the light scattering when the particles are hit by a laser beam. For large particles, the light is scattered in a reduced radius. On the other hand, with small particles, the light scattering angles are wider.
L’intensity of the scattering towards the laser’The size of the particle will be more or less important depending on the size of the particle (large or small).
In practice, to calibrate particles by laser diffraction, we pass them through a laser beam. Depending on their size, and therefore on the size of the particle, it is possible to use the DLS technique’angle of the diffracted light, the particles create diffraction images. L’The most important step in particle size measurement is the analysis of the particle size’decisive step in particle size measurement.
Following Mie’s theory or Fraunhofer’s theory, spheres are obtained by optical modeling and mathematical calculations, whose volume is equivalent to the size of each particle and whose the diameter corresponds to the size of the particle.
Dynamic light scattering analysis
L’Dynamic light scattering (DLS) analysis is particularly useful for obtaining detailed information about the properties of the material being analyzed The laser diffraction technique is suitable for the characterization of nanoparticles.
Characterization of the particles by DLS: what are the d sectors of the particles?’application ?
This particle size measurement technique is widely used in industries handling chemical compounds of infinitely small size (biochemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, food industry, etc.).). These are the Nanoparticle size analyzers This allows the use of the DLS technique.
Principles of particle sizing by dynamic light scattering
The calibration by DLS consists in measuring the size of particles suspended in a liquid content. When’a laser beam is projected on the microcuvette containing this liquid, the light is reflected from all sides under the’action of the particles. This is called Rayleigh scattering (elastic scattering in which the length d’The volume of the sphere is equal to the size of each particle and its dynamic images are the same as the size of each particle.).
An angle is then defined (generally 90°), according to which the’the intensity of the light is measured in time. The variations that will be observed are related to the’thermal agitation to which the particles are subjected, and provide information on the speed of movement of the particles.
The information collected on the velocity of the particles is then mathematically processed in the’occurrence of an autocorrelation between the signal measured at time t and the same signal measured at t+1. Thanks to a graphical model, the characteristic time can be determined according to which this function decreases. The faster the decay of the laser beam, the greater the chance that the particle will be scattered’In the case of autocorrelation, the greater the velocity of the nanoparticle, and therefore the smaller its size.
The relation between the relaxation time (inverse of the characteristic decay time) and the particle size is then estimated the diffusion coefficient of particles, to characterize them. For the characterization of particles, nanoparticle size analyzers allow to measure the size of the particles’evaluate :
- l’polydispersity index,
- the hydrodynamic radius,
- the size distribution of the particles in the sample’analyzed sample.
Analysis’dynamic images
In many industries, particle characterization (size measurement and shape determination) is essential in the s size, and therefore the œThe fastest way to measure the particle size is to use a laser beam. L’dynamic analysis of’The image analysis, whose requirements are specified in ISO 13322-2, allows to evaluate the particle size’to obtain detailed information on the properties of the analyzed material.
A very precise particle size analysis technique
L’dynamic image analysis’The main feature of dynamic images is that the company can then determine with greater accuracy the location of the data’the particle is captured’image of each particle individually. The researchers and technicians of the laboratories of’The main feature of dynamic images is that the company can then more accurately determine the particle size distribution of various samples. This method of measuring particle size is used to measure the size of the airborne particles’is based on systems’analysis’dynamic images, which are instruments capable of creating particle flows.
The streams are captured and analyzed by a specialized camera system.
Principles of particle size measurement by dynamic image analysis’dynamic image analysis
To proceed with the characterization of the particles via a’air analysis’dynamic images, the particles are set in motion for images to be captured. They are illuminated with’a côIn addition, it is important to comply with the RGPD (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance requirements for non-production environments, as the images are recorded by a light beam from the camera’other côas a’projected shadows.
To optimize the’In addition to the image acquisition, the particle sizing instruments can be used for the analysis of a wide range of samples’dynamic images are designed so that the particles are either in free fall (flowing sample or fluid pellets) or suspended in a flow of water’air analysis. The particles are presented in clearly separated units. The success of a particle analysis’particle characterization by dynamic image analysis’The dynamic images are then dependent on a national brand’A duration of’sufficiently small exposure, and image’an important rate of capture of’images.